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SCHEDULE: NOV 16-22, 2013

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Opening Frontiers with Extreme Capability Computing

SESSION: HPC applications

EVENT TYPE: HPC Interconnections, Broader Engagement

TIME: 11:00AM - 11:30AM


Presenter(s):Fred Streitz


Lawrence Livermore has a long history of fielding some of the worlds largest computers, fueled by our nearly insatiable need for both capacity and capability computing. Each new generation in computing brings with it the ability to perform simulations that were impossible with the earlier computers. I will discuss the development of three applications designed to run on the largest computer on earth: the solidification of a molten metal, the development of a fluid instability, and the electrophysiology of a beating human heart. Although the enormous scale of these simulations uncovered a number of unexpected technical hurdles, resolution of these challenges allows us to overcome limitations of both time and length scaleopening windows to discovery and spurring innovation. This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-­-AC52-­-07NA27344.

Chair/Presenter Details:

Sadaf R. Alam (Chair) - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre

Fred Streitz - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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