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SCHEDULE: NOV 16-22, 2013

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SESSION: Carbon Nanotube Computer: Transforming Scientific Discoveries into Working Systems

EVENT TYPE: Emerging Technologies

TIME: 2:30PM - 2:50PM

Presenter(s):Max Schulaker

ROOM:Booth 3947

Although advances with silicon-based electronics continue to be made, alternative technologies are being explored. Carbon nanotube (CNT)-based digital circuits have the potential to outperform silicon by improving the energydelay product, a metric of energy efficiency, by more than an order of magnitude, making CNTs an exciting complement to existing semiconductor technologies. However, substantial inherent CNT imperfections have limited past demonstrations to very basic circuit blocks. We show that these imperfections can be overcome, and demonstrate the first computer built entirely using CNT-based transistors. The CNT computer is capable of multitasking: as a demonstration, we perform counting and integer-sorting concurrently. In addition, we implement 20 different instructions from the commercial MIPS instruction set to demonstrate the generality of our CNT computer. It is a considerable advance because CNTs are prominent among a variety of emerging technologies that are being considered for the next generation of highly energy-efficient electronic systems.

Chair/Presenter Details:

Max Schulaker - Stanford University

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